RMA年次大会Themed Sessionに参加します

Royal Musical Association(英国王立音楽協会)第56回年次大会(オンライン開催)のThemed Session “Japan and Western Music: Issues at the Interface”にパネリストとして参加します。
Themed Session 2a: Japan and Western Music: Issues at the Interface
Tuesday 8 September, 13.00–14.30
Chair: Naomi Matsumoto (Goldsmiths, University of London)
1. Naomi Matsumoto (Goldsmiths, University of London): Madama Butterfly in Japanese: Problems of Cultural Translation
2. Amane Kasai (Waseda University): The Ambitious Fantasy of a Pan-Asian Music: Relative Musical Values in Wartime Japan
3. Jiesun Kim (University of Tokyo): Japan as the Conduit of Western Music in Occupied Korea
4. Moeko Hayashi (University of Oxford): Re-orientating Sonic Tradition: The Shakuhachi in Frank Denyer’s Compositions